The Learning Factory - Motivational Safety Training
the learning factory motivational safety speaker
Regina McMichael, CSP, CET
motivational safety speaker safety leadership training

Getting a Seat at the C-Suite: What Every Safety Pro Should Know

Learn the indispensable tactics every safety pro needs to be effective. You need management to support and fund your initiatives, but sometimes this feels like running head first into a brick wall. The secret to success lies in getting and keeping a seat at the highest decision-making table in the C-Suite. That seat is ready and waiting for a safety leader who understands how to take it. In this session, you'll learn how to achieve that connection with the senior leadership at your organization. Come hear Regina's signature engaging, informative style and learn everything you've been missing when it comes to communicating with your senior leadership! ​

Who is it for?    Safety professionals tired of running head first into brick walls.

By the end of this program, attendees will be able to:
  1. Identify the power structures in your organization and what that means for you.
  2. Discuss your own opportunities for the C-Suite.
  3. Implement strategies that will influence your workforce to work together to achieve safety goals. 

Improving Your Leadership with Effective Communication and Influence

Some people are born leaders. But if you’re not, leadership and influencing skills can be learned. You can practice and perfect your influencing skills and techniques to achieve better leadership – and even train others to lead. Join us for this highly participative seminar. You’ll learn how to communicate, influence and motivate your teams and leaders to achieve safety goals.

Who is it for?    Safety professionals tired of running head first into brick walls.

By the end of this program, attendees will be able to:
  1. Define the power structures that exist in your organization and how that impacts leadership growth.
  2. Identify verbal and body language communication skills improvement opportunities.
  3. Exhibit leadership behavior that will add to the success of your safety effort.
  4. Use strategies that will influence your workforce to achieve safety goals.

Motivational Safety Speaker